Renters insurance for college students

Renters insurance for college students

Make sure your college student's belongings are protected
Kip Doyle
First day of college

School days are right around the corner, and if you are the parent of a college student, you might be facing pressure to give your blessing to off-campus housing for the coming semester.

Living off campus might bring your child closer to independent living, but it doesn't mean there won’t be growing pains along the way. Paying rental and utility bills, dealing with landlords, and sharing space with housemates can all be tricky adjustments.

With these changing factors to contend with, along with the challenges of student life, the last thing you and your child need to worry about is if their personal belongings will be safe.

As a parent, you may assume that your homeowners policy will cover your children when they’re away at college. Some homeowners policies do cover children living on campus, but that isn't always the case.

Chris Lawrence, director of insurance at AAA Western and Central New York, recommends reviewing your current homeowners policy with a licensed insurance agent before your child moves into their new living space. If they need additional coverage, renters insurance may be the answer.

Renters insurance typically covers personal possessions in the event of vandalism, theft, fire, smoke damage, lightning damage, or windstorm or water damage, Lawrence said.

“A licensed insurance agent can walk you through what is covered by renters insurance to make sure your child's valuables are protected,” Lawrence said. "Luckily, renters insurance is very affordable. It’s not uncommon to secure a $10,000 policy for about $10 a month."

Renters insurance is easy to apply for. Your insurance agent will need identification and personal information from the renter. You may have to provide details about the space that's being rented and if there will be pets and housemates.

You may also be asked to provide proof of belongings. Receipts from major purchases can help with this process, along with photos of items that you want to have covered by the renters insurance policy.

Items that college students may want to report on a renters insurance agreement include laptops, game consoles, and TVs, Lawrence said. If you need to file a claim, simply contact a licensed insurance agent, who will start the process for you.

“AAA agents are available at every AAA branch location to review your current coverage and help you determine if renters insurance is the right choice for your child,” Lawrence said.


Do you have questions about renters insurance? Contact a AAA agent today!

