Prep your yard and pool for fall and winter

Prep your yard and pool for fall and winter

Get your property ready for the changing seasons
Christine Szudzik
pool and yard

You enjoyed your yard all summer. But as fall arrives, it’s time to switch gears and prepare for the vicious winter weather to come. Read on for some essential fall yard maintenance tips.

Prep your lawn:

  • Mow your lawn regularly and maintain a grass height of 2½-3 inches. Grass keeps growing until the first frost, which is usually around early to mid-October.
  • Blow or rake leaves often. Leaves can block water, light, and nutrients from reaching the grass. If raking leaves isn’t your idea of a good time, use a mulching lawn mower and mow the fallen leaves instead.
  • Fall is the ideal time to repair any bare patches in your lawn. Till the soil, fertilize, and sow fresh grass seed. Sod should be installed at least four weeks before the first frost.
  • On the last mow of the season, cut the grass as short as 1 inch tall to prevent snow mold.

Prep your garden:

  • Harvest tender vegetables like tomatoes, zucchini, peas, and beans before the first frost. Hardier vegetables like brussels sprouts and cooking greens withstand colder temperatures and can remain in the ground.
  • Sage, thyme, and oregano can survive the cold, but rosemary, chives, and basil should be potted and brought indoors. Discard any diseased plants.
  • Before the ground freezes, add compost to your garden beds. Then, apply straw or mulch to prevent soil erosion, nutrient loss, and weed growth.
  • Keep watering perennial flowers and shrubs. Once the ground has frozen and foliage has died, prune back bee balm, phlox, and hostas to prevent disease.
  • Avoid pruning trees or shrubs just before winter. Protect smaller trees and shrubs from heavy snowfall by covering them with a wooden structure, burlap, or heavy plastic.

Prep your pool:

  • Close your pool once temperatures consistently reach 65 degrees or lower. Follow these steps:
  • Clean the pool by skimming the surface, scrubbing the walls, and vacuuming.
  • Shock your pool and use algaecide – even if the water is clear.
  • For in-ground pools, lower the water level. Mesh covers should have water 12-18 inches below the skimmer, while the water level for solid covers should be 3-6 inches below the tile. Above-ground pool owners can simply remove the outlet hose from the skimmer basket.
  • Clean your filter. If you have a sand filter, backwash it.
  • In-ground pool owners should clear the pool pump’s lines using an air compressor. For above-ground pools, remove all hoses and the plug from the bottom of the filter. Place a pool pillow in the center of the pool and secure it to prevent the water from freezing.
  • Remove and store accessories like ladders, diving boards, deck furniture, toys, or other objects.
  • Install a winter pool cover, either mesh or solid vinyl.

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