Embrace the waves: Summer boating safety and insurance

Embrace the waves: Summer boating safety and insurance

Stay safe and smart on the water this summer
AAA Staff
Pontoon Boat

Whether you own a luxurious yacht, a sleek speedboat, or a simple canoe, the open waters offer a sense of freedom and adventure. But with fun and excitement come responsibilities, and boating safety should always be a top priority. Follow these tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable summer boating experience.


Wear your life jacket

Life jackets are non-negotiable when it comes to boating safety. Regardless of your swimming ability or the size of your vessel, everyone on board should have access to a well-fitted, Coast Guard-approved life jacket. Life jackets save lives, and wearing one significantly increases your chances of survival in case of an accident.


Check your equipment

Before setting sail, thoroughly inspect your boat to ensure it's in excellent working condition. Check the engine, lights, navigation equipment, and safety gear. Have a pre-departure checklist and make it a habit to run through it before each trip. Proper maintenance and equipment checks reduce the risk of breakdowns or accidents on the water.


Know the rules and regulations

Familiarize yourself with boating rules and regulations specific to your location. Different water bodies may have varying speed limits, navigation rules, and safety requirements. Being informed and adhering to these guidelines not only keeps you safe but also promotes harmony with other boaters and the environment.


Stay sober and alert

Operating a boat under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not only illegal but also extremely dangerous. Impaired boating can lead to accidents and jeopardize the safety of everyone on board. Always designate a responsible and sober boat operator to ensure a safe journey.


Weather watch

Keep a close eye on weather forecasts before heading out on the water. Summer weather can be unpredictable, and sudden storms or high winds can turn a pleasant day into a challenging situation. If adverse weather is expected, consider postponing your trip or seeking shelter until conditions improve.


Inform someone ashore

Let a trusted friend or family member know about your boating plans. Share your itinerary, expected return time, and contact details. In case of an emergency, having someone on land aware of your whereabouts can be crucial for prompt assistance.


Mind your speed

Observe speed limits and adjust your speed according to the conditions. High speeds can be thrilling, but they also reduce your reaction time and increase the likelihood of accidents, especially in crowded or narrow waterways.


Be cautious when swimming

If you decide to take a dip in the water, do so with caution. Always turn off the engine, and be mindful of underwater hazards before allowing anyone to swim. Keep a close eye on swimmers, especially children and inexperienced swimmers.

Boat insurance from AAA

Although boat insurance is not required in New York State, it’s a wise investment for any boat owner that wants to protect their investment. AAA Insurance provides coverage for almost any kind of boat, including fishing boats, runabouts, personal watercraft, and boats up to 50 feet in length and $250,000 in value.

AAA Insurance coverage for boats includes the following policy options:

  • Total loss replacement
  • Agreed value - protects the customers' investment in their boat without the worry of depreciation for total losses
  • Disappearing deductibles
  • Fishing equipment replacement cost
  • Personal effects replacement cost
  • 24-hour roadside assistance provided by insurance company policy
  • On-water towing
  • Wreckage removal coverage
  • Property damage liability - coverage for fuel spills
  • Medical payments coverage - including water skiers

Trust AAA Insurance to provide coverage you can count on for your boat, RV, snowmobile, or motorcycle.

